God is true to His Word. Our Brother prayed for King George VI, who was healed of multiple sclerosis. George Upshaw, a US Presidential candidate in the days of prohibition, leapt and ran, pushing his wheelchair from the meeting, after being confined for 66 years. Here Congressman Upshaw is pictured without crutches.
He testified: "Just eighty-four. And I'm eighty-four years young, speak three and four times a day, preach the Gospel of the Christ Who saved me, stood by me on bed seven years, and made me happy, and then took me off of the crutches that I have used for fifty-nine years and now, glory to God I'm walking. I'm sending this folder to every congressman, and senator, the president, and his wife, and now sending this week to the king of England for whom Brother Branham prayed, and Winston Churchill. And I'm going to send them to Joseph Stalin. God have mercy on his soul".
Even his critics don't deny what God did in this ministry, which revealed Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever, by the Messianic Sign of Hebrews 4:12, discerning the thoughts and intents of the heart as it was in the days of Lot. The dead were raised to life, and demons were cast out. Cripples were made whole, the blind saw, and even cancers were healed. Sometimes the
meetings held crowds estimated at 500,000. |