Bible Believers' Newsletter 250

"We focus on the PRESENT Truth—what Jesus is doing NOW . . ."
ISSN 1442-8660

Christian greetings in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

In his sermon, On the Wings of a Snow White Dove, Brother Branham spoke of the Dove (or Holy Spirit) leading the eagle (which was Himself, the prophet), and how the eagle's Message would take the Bride to the other side. He recalled how on September 22, 1965 high up in Sabino Canyon, near Tucson, Arizona, Something attracted him off to a large boulder and said, "Lay your hands against that and pray."

eagle rock

I laid my hands against the rock and looked up towards heaven and started praying, and I heard a Voice coming out of the top of the rocks. Said, "What are you leaning against, over your heart?" I raised back like this, my bare shoulders; naked from my waist up, hot. I looked back. And there written in the stone in white quartz, was "Eagle" just exactly what the vision said the next Message would come forth by.

I was so excited I ran home, got a camera, came back the next day, and took this picture of it. I hope you find this week's Newsletter edifying. As usual, please confirm all things personally in your own Bible.

Your brother-in-Christ,

Anthony Grigor-Scott

Vatican: Jews Are Our Brothers

Rome, October 28, 2002 — Cardinal Walter Kasper, the Vatican official in charge of relations with Jews, told a conference of prelates and rabbis that after 2,000 years of antagonism, Catholics and Jews may still disagree—but that they do so as brothers.

The conference commemorated the 37th anniversary of the document "Nostra Aetate," Latin for "In Our Time," which was drafted during the Second Vatican Council. . . In it, the Vatican deplored anti-Semitism in every form and repudiated the "deicide" charge.

The anniversary was celebrated amid fresh debate . . . that was sparked by a recent, unofficial document saying it was no longer theologically acceptable for the Church to target Jews for conversion. Full story:

Micro Nukes in London

While the British Government was busy convincing its citizens "The IRA did it", London TV cameras were accidentally filming a team of experts entering the blast area wearing full nuclear protective clothing. Extraordinary behaviour from experts simply walking around taking a quick peek at the remains of an old-fashioned IRA bomb, traditionally manufactured from ammonium nitrate & diesel.

The April 1993 bomb was supposedly detonated in a parked garbage truck, but managed to create a huge crater in the road that was subsequently filmed by the media: another crucial error confirmed by independent explosives experts in Australia. The blast from most bombs takes the easiest path, in this case outwards then upwards to atmosphere. The crater could only have appeared if the bomb was dropped from an aircraft, or was buried in advance. Forget the "garbage truck", which was merely a decoy device. The crater is very impressive, measuring roughly forty feet deep by sixty feet in diameter. The media footage provides mute proof the awesome bomb could not have originated in Northern Ireland.
Full story:

Armed Australian Agents attack Unarmed Women & Children

Masked goons wearing flak jackets and wielding sub-machine guns approach a (Muslim) home silently just before dawn. Then acting on a silent hand signal from their leader, they all break into a jog trot and fan out around the house. The first two demolish the front door with sledgehammers, while the other six simultaneously smash windows at the sides and rear of the small suburban dwelling.

Comment: Such action along with unwarranted "warnings" to citizens against traveling to Muslim countries because of the danger of "terrorist attacks" is intended to harm the economies of Muslim countries and gender ill-will with nominally Christian lands which will provide the cannon fodder and the money to fight on the side of the Political Zionists in World War III. Australia's cowardly actions demonstrate beyond doubt we are obedient pawns of the 'hidden hand'.
Full story:

US Financial Aid To Israel: Figures, Facts, and Impact

Benefits to Israel of US Aid Since 1949 (As of November 1, 1997):
Foreign Aid Grants and Loans: $74,157,600,000
Other US Aid (12.2% of Foreign Aid): $9,047,227,200
Interest to Israel from Advanced Payments: $1,650,000,000
Grand Total: $84,854,827,200 Total Benefits per Israeli: $14,630

Cost to US Taxpayers of US Aid to Israel:
Grand Total: $84,854,827,200
Interest Costs Borne by US: $49,936,680,000
Total Cost to US Taxpayers: $134,791,507,200
Total Cost per Israeli: $23,240

Comment: Without US Aid there could be no Israeli aggression against the PLO, Arabs, the USA itself, or the rest of the world. Full story:

Free Your Mind. . . from the Vaccine Paradigm

There have been no safety studies ever done on thimerosal since 1929—the year a study showed its dangers when all recipients contracted meningitis and died.

Congressman Dan Burton has threatened to file criminal charges against government agencies for their negligence in having allowed this dangerous mercury compound to be included in childhood vaccines. Congressman Burton has a personal stake in this growing scandal. He says his grandson became autistic a few days after receiving 9 inoculations. Full story:

Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God, and His Righteousness

Cartoonist, illustrator and children's story writer Dr. (Theodor) Seuss (Geisel) wrote: "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." Good advice for Christians who are not ashamed to live the Gospel they profess to believe.

Never be ashamed of your Lord and His unchanging, unfailing Word of promise. Don't ever be ashamed of your husband or your wife, your children, or your parents (so long as they are well-behaved) and whatever your occupation may be, work honestly and give of your best that you may be proud of your labours and deserving of self-respect. "Don't be like the heathen, worrying about whether you will have sufficient food or clothing, for they take pride and exercise much care in all of these things and your heavenly Father knows full well your needs. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Don't be anxious about tomorrow, live one day at a time, for He will take care of your tomorrows too" (Matthew 6:31-34).

In Matthew 13:45-46 "Jesus likened the kingdom of heaven to a merchant man seeking precious pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it".

This merchant represents the untiring seeker of Truth, which is Spiritual wisdom here in the figure of "precious pearls." He was a dedicated man, conscientiously searching and striving for the Absolute. Unlike the hired laborer, he takes pleasure in his business, and conducts it with enthusiasm and expectancy. His theological experience was precious to him until he encountered the Person of Christ by revelation—the reality for which he readily surrendered his intellectual learning, history, denominational tradition and esteem among men.

When one possesses and is possessed by Christ he is born-again. So the merchant man became the kingdom of God and His righteousness when Christ entered into him and he possessed the hope of glory. This man was God's elect. In God's foreknowledge he always was a part of the kingdom. When he heard the call he recognized his day and it's Message, discovering who he was and identifying His place in eternity.

The merchant sold his business, forsook his social prestige, his denominational teachings, his intellectual Bible studies and worldly aspirations that he might possess this pearl of great price. Like this priceless pearl, new birth is a rare Spiritual and abiding personal possession to which few attain, yet is freely available to any child of Adam if only they will reach out by faith and take it unto themselves.

Isaiah 55:1-3, "Listen, every one that thirsts, come to the waters, and he who has no money; come, buy, and eat; yes, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. Why spend your money on food that has no sustenance? or work for that which satisfies not? Listen diligently and I'll tell you where you can obtain Spiritual food in due season—the present Truth that fattens up the soul. Come to Me with your ears wide open, for the life of your soul is at stake: I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David".

Eternal Life is free. But it is not cheap. Like the pearl of great price its value is beyond estimation and will cost you everything you have or could hope to attain in this life. New birth is a great leveler; it will cost the rich man everything he has acquired, and the beggar what little he has (Galatians 3:28).

In Mark 10:17-23 a man knelt before Jesus and implored, "Good Lord, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal Life? And Jesus said, Why call Me good? there is none good but God. You know the commandments, do not commit adultery, do not kill, do not steal, do not bear false witness, defraud not, honour your father and mother."

"He answered, Lord, from my youth I have never broken a single one of these laws."
Even so he knew he did not possess eternal Life.

"Feeling genuine love for the man, Jesus looked him in the eye, and said, One thing you lack. Go and sell whatsoever you have, and give to the poor, and you shall have treasure in heaven: and come, take up your cross, and follow Me."

"The man's countenance dropped, and he went sadly away for he had great possessions. Watching him go, Jesus said, it is almost impossible for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God".

Jesus discerned the man's problem and God will not share His glory with another so "if we love the world and the things of the world, the love of God is not in us" (I John 2:15).

What do I need to surrender, Lord, that I may have eternal Life?

What do you own?

My house.

Then surrender it. Anything else?

I have a car.

You'll have to surrender that too. Anything else?

I have a wife whom I love.

You'll have to put Me first.

And I have five lovely children and my parents.

You must put Me before them all.

You will have to surrender your friends, your culture, your religion, your ambitions—even your own thinking, in order to receive My thoughts so that My Life can live through you (Philippians 2:5-7).

Luke 14:26-27, "If any man comes to Me, and does not hate his father and mother, and wife and children, his brothers and sisters, and even his own life—in comparison with his attitude toward God, he cannot be My disciple. And whosoever does not carry his own cross, and follow Me, cannot be My disciple".

We are to follow Him, not follow family or neighbors, culture or class, but follow Christ the Word. And if we've given our word we must carry our own cross and honor the obligation to which we have committed ourselves. If we are truly born-again, Christ the Word is the Husband of our soul and we are to treat Him as our Lord which means "Master" or "Ruler over me," even as Sarah called Abraham lord.

The natural marriage types the Spiritual. The Christian wife is to obey her husband in every thing. We are not to even flirt with a creed or any strange word.

What if Paul had decided he would follow intellectual reasoning instead of the revealed Word? Paul became a prisoner to the faith. This great student of Gamaliel separated himself from his kinsmen and spent three years in Arabia emptying himself of all of his theological studies, replacing learning with revelation from Above built upon the shadows and types God had revealed to Moses and the Old Testament prophets whereby He inspired the antitype or New Testament to Paul (Galatians 1:17-18). Paul saw that Jehovah of the Old Testament is Jesus of the New. He was certainly no Trinitarian. Neither were any of the apostles and prophets on whose doctrine Jesus is building His Church (Ephesians 2:20).

The love of God was so endearing it transformed Paul's thinking, disproved all of his theological training and dispelled all of his ambitions. His newfound love and liberty imprisoned him to manifesting the living, unfolding revelation from which he could not escape. This is the life-changing experience of every elect believer, "born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the Word of God, which lives and abides forever" (I Peter 2:23).

Like the merchant man who found the pearl of great price, when we find the Absolute we surrender everything in this world to imprison ourselves to the vision. Married to the Word we are one in the faith as a man and his wife are one in the flesh united in common understanding and their sacred vows to one another (John 17:20-22; I Corinthians 2:16).

We have to empty ourselves of everything that is not God so that He may fill us by faith or understanding in His revealed Word. I am not speaking about your lying, smoking, drinking, stealing or your adultery; that is sanctification, just house cleansing. If you are born-again, correctly taught and pastored, your desire for that old sensual life will die. I'm speaking about receiving the deeper love of Christ through the intimacy of His Word living in you. Those hidden mysteries and secret things He whispers only to His beloved; essential precious revelations the non-elect hear only as parables, and scoff, being without understanding.

Paul turned a corner from the Mosaic Law to the New Covenant of grace. That was almost 2,000 years ago now, and Paul's Gospel by which God will judge the world, has been diluted and perverted by myriad man-made traditions that make the Word of God of none effect today. Nevertheless, God will present Christ with a Word Bride who will be in the unity of the faith and manifest the Sons of God in a new wave offering (Leviticus 23:15-21; Romans 8:19; Ephesians 4:13). To this end He sent William Branham whose ministry has restored the faith Paul delivered, finished the mystery of God and introduced the second Coming of the Word (Malachi 4:5-6; Matthew 17:11; Acts 3:19-23; Revelation 10:7).

As Paul found following his conversion, we need to unburden ourselves of worldly theology and reasoning against the faith to enjoin our life with "that which is perfect"—the fullness of the Word which is Christ, by the perfect faith (I Corinthians 13:10). Since the revelation of the Seven Seals we have the perfect interpretation of God's Word and must neither add to and or take from THUS SAITH THE LORD delivered by God's prophet William Branham who was the "angel" of Revelation 1:1—the only man to whom Jesus revealed these things (Revelation 22:6-19).

Jesus Christ was a Mediator only so long as the Bible was sealed with Seven Seals. So long as the Bible was sealed, men were ignorant, and worldwide every minister (including Brother Branham) preached error prior to the revelation of the Seven Seals. It could not be otherwise since no man was worthy to open or understand the Book until Jesus loosed the Seals and revealed their mysteries after His mediatorial Office was fulfilled.

The days of ignorance and 'play church' are past and the soul who does not empty himself of man-made denominational guesswork and receive this end-time Message will be cast into the great tribulation (Malachi 4:5-6; Acts 3:23; Revelation 22:18-19). Since the revelation of the Seven Seals God has been calling the wise and foolish virgin out from Rome and her once Protestant daughters into the unity of the faith by the fullness of the Word we have no need of a mediator.

Christ is no longer a Mediator since the Seals are revealed and God will not receive denominational beliefs today (I Corinthians 13:10). Without a Mediator to intercede for and excuse ignorance they are as vain as Israel's sacrifices, an abomination, a stench in His nostrils (Isaiah 1:10-17; 66:3; Amos 4:10; 5:21-27). Denominational guesswork is rejected in this day; if this is what we offer we too will be rejected because the worshiper is identified with his sacrifice. We must each examine our own selves, whether we are in the faith of Jesus Christ or in denominational hocus pocus and headed for the Lake of Fire (Revelation 19:20-21).

Deuteronomy 16:1-8 and Isaiah 28:8-13 demonstrate how God revealed a further portion of His Word in each dispensation and ordained the saints to shine that Light. Any traditions from a previous dispensation were to be burnt with fire for His elect must always walk in the Light of the present Truth. The Light He shone in the days of Noah, Moses, Luther, Wesley and the Pentecostals is Darkness today. It is sin and death! Don't try to hold onto Christ with one hand and an Anglican, Methodist, Baptist or Pentecostal tradition with the other. We must burn them with Fire! And let the Holy Spirit lead us into the Light God is shining now!

God, make us prisoners of Jesus Christ and led by the Spirit like Paul. Jesus is the Word. If you're a prisoner to the Word, no denomination can sway you from it and your life will act out what it says do. When you can see that you always were in Christ even before there was anything made that is made, that is the tie post of the soul, and nothing can shake you from that revelation (Revelation 13:8). And when a man predestinated to eternal Life has been born-again by the Word of God, God will add Word upon Word, Word upon Word. Not a denominational creed and then a Word, and more creed and a Word. Leaven will not mix with his born-again soul. There is only one eternal Life and that is God the Word.

God alone is eternal Life and those born of His Word are His offspring. Jesus Christ is the beginning of God creating Himself a part of this material world, less than 2,000 years ago. Jesus is our elder Brother and we saints are the genes of God's Spirit (Hebrews 2:10-18; Revelation 3:14).

The natural types the spiritual. Our natural birth into this world under Satan's dominion follows nine months after our father's gene as sperm fertilizes the ovum in our mother. Our first birth is a process consisting of three stages. First the water breaks, then the blood, and when we leave our mother's body the spirit of mortal life and our soul unite with our body and we become a living soul. You are your soul. Your body is merely the house in which you your soul lives and contacts this world. Our mortal spirit is like a charge of electricity that powers the body and operates the brain.

Our body is of the earth, earthy. It was formed in iniquity and conceived in sin, and must perish with the world. Our mortal spirit is given by God, but it is not of God and must also perish. It is the foreknown souls of God's elect that Jesus died to redeem.

Redemption is not replacement: to redeem means to "buy back" or "repurchase." Our corruptible flesh will be replaced with a glorified body and our mortal spirit will break up and be replaced by our theophany or angel, while our soul must be redeemed. It is not replaced, just changed from its old husband by fornication with world which is the nature of Satan, the present god of this world, to the nature of God. But before we can be remarried to Christ the Word, our old husband the nature of this world must be dead to us (Romans 7:1-1-6). We do not receive a new soul but a new nature, Husband or ruler over our soul.

Our Spiritual birth into the Kingdom of Heaven is a process consisting of three stages. Our soul is the part of man that is made in the image and after the likeness of God (Genesis 1:26). It is the feminine of God, and until it mates with and is impregnated by the Word, it is without eternal Life. John 6:63, "My Word is Spirit, It is Life".

Jesus distinguished natural life from Spiritual Life when He told the unbelieving Jews, "No man can come to Me, except the Father which has sent Me draw him to Me (by a clear understanding of His Word, or faith): and at the last day I will cause all such to rise from the dead".

(Praise God! The "last day" is in "the time of the end." And according to Scripture it commenced with the revelation of the Seven Seals between March 17-24, 1963 (Daniel 12:4, 9; Revelation 10:4). This means that Christendom today is apostate as Israel has been since it rejected and crucified Christ at His first Coming. This means that the first resurrection and the manifestation of the Sons of God are at hand).

"It is written in Isaiah 54:13, And all Thy children [the elect] shall be taught of God. Every man who has heard from the Father and has learned the Truth from Him will be drawn or attracted to Me. [Not that any man has actually seen the Father, except He who is of God, He alone has perceived and understood the Father]."

The historical Christ is the positive fulfillment of all previous revelation and knowledge of God, and being the Son, Jesus is, in His perfect vision or revelation of God, the absolute Prophet. We must not bend the Scriptures as do the Trinitarians and try to make Jesus a second god. Jesus is the (One) Person of God manifest in the flesh. John 1:18, "No man has visually seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, who is in the heart of the Father, He has declared Him" [or expressed the fullness of His nature and character]. John 3:3, "Except a man be born-again he cannot see understand the Kingdom of God" which is within the heart of every saint as the revealed Word for their day (Luke 17:20-21). See also John 17:6, 26 and 3:13. The Spirit guides into the understanding of God's Word, which is faith (John 16:15), not learning or memorizing what It says which is sweat. Works.

"Not that any man has actually understood the Father [Word], except He which is of God, He alone has perceived and understood the Father." We see or understand not with our eyes or our brain, but with our soul. Even after Christ's resurrection many of His disciples did not believe because they did not fully understand the Scripture. And it was not until many years after Pentecost when Paul had expounded the New Testament that those who were "of God . . . perceived and understood the Father." In the Ephesian Age (AD53-170), certain saints were still "giving heed to Jewish fables."

It took time for the saints to fully turn the corner by emptying themselves of man-made theology so that they could see and enter into the full revelation of the new Message. So is it today, almost fifty years since Christ revealed the Seals and the Church turned another corner few ministers or brethren within the circle of this Message have "actually seen the Father." Although they see Brother Branham was God's prophet and believe his Message they have not seen the revelation of the Message).

"Earnestly I tell you, He that believes on Me has eternal Life [present tense]. I am that Bread of Life. Your fathers ate manna in the wilderness, and are all dead," or eternally separated from God and LOST because of their unbelief in Moses' Message. Like Message people today, they had "the letter without the Spirit".

God's revealed Word is His expression of love to His elect. We must receive His unveiling of Himself into our soul by reciprocal love to quicken and change the nature or desires of our soul from the world to the Word. Only faith or a clear understanding of the revealed Word for our day can quicken our soul to eternal Life and unite us with God for eternity. Faith in that part of the Word imparts His Gene, His Life to our soul.

God's gene or sperm is His Word. His Word is His Spirit expressed in a form we can receive by faith. Once we "see" His Word we begin to become alive to God and dead to the world, whereas previously we were dead to the Word and alive to the world. But that is just the beginning. Multitudes of supposed-to-be Christians are still-born.

The Spiritual birth, like the natural birth consists of a threefold process of justification by grace through faith in the true Oneness of the godhead and what Christ accomplished in redemption, followed by water baptism in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ for remission of past sins as Jesus commanded, not in three of His Titles. Next comes sanctification by the Blood. As the bloodstream cleanses and sanctifies out natural bodies of impurities, the Blood of Christ cleanses the Body of Christ by the washing of water by the Word, or faith. The life is in the blood. Jesus' Blood was the spoken Word of God; correction by the Word sanctifies and maintains the Church in holiness. Finally we are quickened by a revelation of the present Truth, and born into our place in the Kingdom. All three steps of grace are required in the Spiritual birth.

God is only redeeming the elect of Adam's fallen race. Jesus is the last Adam. He is no kinsman of Cain, whose father was the Serpent (I John 3:12; 2:13-14). All of Adam's children, his genes, were potentially in him in the Garden of Eden. By God's foreknowledge his genealogy was recorded before creation as the Book of Life (Revelation 17:8). This is the record of our natural birth. God is not presently writing names in that Book, however he is blotting-out names as they cross the line between mercy and judgment and become lost. Those names that remain are "the saved" who will be granted into eternal Life by the saints at the White Throne Judgment.

The genealogy of Jesus Christ was also written from the foundation of the world by God's foreknowledge of who would receive and manifest His genes of the spoken Word for their day. Called the Lamb's Book of Life (Revelation 13:8) it is the record of His elect; our names can never be removed as we are eternal Life, a continuation of the creation of God in Christ, the beginning of the creation of God as Eve was created in and formed as a continuation of the first Adam and not a separate creation like all other female creatures. Together we are God manifest and will one day judge the world, separating "the saved" from "the lost" (Matthew 25:31-33; I Corinthians 6:2).

God's gene is His Word. His Word is His unchanging thought expressed. Therefore God's children are the manifested genes of His Spirit, as Adam's children are the manifested genes of his loins. The elect of God are His foreknowledge of how we would exercise our free moral agency when encountered by the Word for our day. So you who really do have the Spirit of God today were in Christ when He walked the shores of Galilee because the fullness of the godhead was expressed bodily in that Man (Colossians 2:9). God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself.

If you were in God as a gene, an attribute of His Word from the beginning, then you were in Jesus when He raised Lazarus from the dead; you walked with Him, talked with Him and died with Him on Calvary's cross. And when He was raised for our justification, you raised in Him. Now you are sitting in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, communing with Christ, the Word, as it feeds your soul.

If you can see yourself in Christ from the foundation of the world, you are eternal Life. You always were eternal Life, for whatever is "eternal" has neither beginning of time nor ending of days. So you were always a part of God and can never be separated from Him. This revelation is the tie post of the soul (Romans 8:38-39).

The Church of Jesus Christ is built on the faith of the apostles and prophets, not on the Bible-denying man-made creeds of some denomination that is headed for the Lake of Fire. If you are a true gene of God, and if you are truly baptized with the Holy Ghost, you will esteem His Word above your necessary meat, and yearn to live by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.

Good manners will follow but first we must see the revelation of His Word, and recognize our position therein. Not the Anglican's place: that part of the Body was fulfilled in 1750, yet millions of blind souls are trying to press in there today. Not the Methodist or Baptist part, their place was filled in 1906, and not the Pentecostal position which was made up in 1963. Unless we can recognize our day and it's Message, there is no way we can be born-again in this day.

The evidence of the Holy Spirit in your soul is to see the present Truth living in you. The Book of Revelation opens with a blessing upon anyone who will sit and listen as it is read. It ends with a curse upon anyone who attempts to add to or diminish from the revelation of the Seven Seals which was the Message of the seventh angel, for now "the time is at hand: the time of the end" is now (Daniel 12:4, 9; Revelation 10:4; 22:10). This is God's last book, and His last word. Any contrary revelation is false prophecy and not of God, because the revelation of the Seven Seals finished the mystery of God and is THUS SAITH THE LORD (Acts 3:21; I Corinthians 13:10; Revelation 10:7; 22:19).

This is the only Book in the Bible Christ personally endorsed. Think of that. It is the revelation of Himself and the only Book on which He set His seal. God revealed it to Jesus and He revealed it to the seventh angel whom John saw and heard in the Patmos visions as one born out of due time. Jesus put His blessings upon those who will receive it, and His curses upon those who will not receive it.

Before the foundation of the world God set and ordained five different offices of ministry upon particular men He foreknew in order to bring the saints to maturity in the faith so that their lives and testimonies could minister to others outside the Body but who desire to understand what we believe and why we live to edify the brethren and keep the Body clean (Ephesians 4:11-13; 5:26; II Corinthians 3:2).

This is not a "do-it-yourself" Message. God does not work in that way. If you are elect, God has a pastor for you somewhere. Few are called to the fivefold ministry. Attending Bible school and a lifetime pastoring denominational congregations does not place one in God's ministry, or even in the Body of Christ. Only a handful of ancient denominational ministers are born-again today because the dispensation of PART-Word and Christ's mediation ended in 1963 before the opening of the Seals and most of their younger colleagues have either never encountered or failed to recognize their day and its Message, and are impersonating the Word for a day gone by.

Some men try to pick up the Message by a quick read of the transcripts. Others try to preach it by quoting the "letter" of the prophet's Words. This will not work. The Message is the Key that unlocks the hidden mysteries of God's Bible. It was not ever ordained that the Message should interpret the Message. It takes the grace of God and an apprenticeship of kneeology to catch the revelation, place it in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and to preach just that.

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind". nl250.htm

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Brother Anthony Grigor-Scott is a non-denominational minister. He has ministered full-time since 1981, primarily to other ministers and their congregations in other countries. He pastors Bible Believers' tiny congregation, and is available to teach in your church.
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Bible Believers' Church
Gunnedah, NSW 2380, Australia
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